
Jono's Journal

Subscribe for inights on building a one person buisness and the perils of a creative mind

It's time to stop.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. And I think it’s time I admit something to myself. I can’t do this anymore. For the past year, I’ve been incredibly consistent. But I’ve decided to stop my newsletter… temporarily. This might come as a surprise. A lot of content creators will say I’m crazy. But I need to do this. Why I’m Pausing My Newsletter I’ve realized my newsletter is not my greatest priority right now. It’s been a great habit, and it’s kept me in a solid routine. But the truth is—it’s...

How to Break Free from Fear

Your mind is your worst enemy. It will make you deal with things like: • Fear • Anxiety • Overthinking • Negative self-talk These are all states of consciousness we’ve experienced at different points in life. Depending on the person, they can linger longer than desired—or worse, take up permanent residency in your mind. 99% of people think their mental health struggles are normal without realising it, and so they don’t seek help or even talk about them. After all, it’s hard to talk about...

I Broke the Number One Rule of Being a Creator

99% of creators would be struck with anxiety and fear for their future if they did this. 3 months ago, I would have been too. What did I do that’s so unique, so unthinkable to most creators? I stopped creating. [Insert shock sound effect] gasp Most people—even beyond creators—are so fixed on doing that they forget how to be. We’re all busy thinking about the future, so much so that we forget to enjoy the only thing we truly have: the present moment. Creators are no different. In fact, being a...

I’ll keep this brief…

It’s the end of the first year of my writing journey. I’ve learned an insane amount of things, like: Writing Business Social media Monetising But the most interesting thing I’ve learned about? My self. It’s crazy what you learn about yourself when you set a goal and commit to it. 1 year of writing, 1 letter every week, Posting on Twitter every day. Challenges arise, you realise you need a system, processes, workflows. You get angry, annoyed and want to give up. But being consistent towards a...

Are You a Human Being or a Human Doing?

Ever feel like your life is a never-ending marathon, moving faster than you can keep up? I've got things to do, places to be and people to see. The list is endless. The voice in my head keeps reminding me like a constant tug of my shirt. Thoughts are flying around my head. We're all busy, going to work, paying the bills, buying groceries and maintaining some what of a social life. When we've got a moment to ourselves, that voice reminds you of that endless list. Thoughts are flying around...

Stop looking forwards, look backwards

I'm an addict. The future is exciting, new information is exciting. That rush of dopamine when I watch a new video or start a new book. It's thrilling and makes me feel like I'm making progress in my writing journey. In order to grow and make progress you need to consume new information right? Yes, but no. Yes you need new information so you can calibrate your compass and head in the right direction. But not, if you consume too much you'll send your compass into a frenzy and it won't know...

Perfectionism is killing me.

It's been 1 year... I never thought this would be possible, but I did it. Even when I didn't feel like it, i did it. Right now as I write this and face resistance, I'm doing it. What did I do? Consistently wrote 1x Newsletter every Saturday for a year. For some that might not sound like much. But for me, it's huge. Consistency has always kicked me in the ass. I want something, I start something, I realise the process of getting something takes time, I give up. There's a lot of words to...

Stop Living on Autopilot: A Framework for Being Present

"The present moment is rarely fully acknowledged it's always it's just a stepping stone to the next moment which is the future" - Eckhart Tolle You are not here. You are somewhere else. You’re thinking about the next task. You aren’t present. The next task approaches, you engage and start doing, but your mind is already thinking about the one after that. You get annoyed when the current task takes too long. You want it done now so you can move on. Annoyance builds, adding another brick to the...

Become a one person business

Yo Reader If I read this headline 2 years a go, I would have hit the unsubscribe button. Ehh… business… Men wearing suits, trying to take money from you. No soul or creativity, it's a machine designed to turn employees into zombies while profiting the higher ups. A stereotype I did not want anything to do with. But that's exactly what it is, a stereotype, and it's the unfortunate truth of some businesses. Thankfully not all are like that and the good news is you can rebel against it. Business...

Monetise your ideas

Getting paid to think is the future of work. Creators like Naval or Dan Koe are impacting millions of lives online and profiting just by thinking and sharing their ideas. Ideas are the new oil. DAN KOE @thedankoe All new wealth is being generated in the digital space. Digital real estate is accessible and (vastly) more affordable than physical. Teenagers are going viral making absurd amounts of cash that older generations can't fathom. Ideas are the new oil:...

Subscribe for inights on building a one person buisness and the perils of a creative mind