
Jono's Journal

Monetise your ideas

Getting paid to think is the future of work.

Creators like Naval or Dan Koe are impacting millions of lives online and profiting just by thinking and sharing their ideas.

Ideas are the new oil.

Dan and Naval live minimally, have self-improvement routines and think about problems to solve.

They build on their ideas, create solutions to people's problems and their reward is profit and purpose.

It's never been easier to become a creator, help people and monetise.

You can open any app like TikTok, Instagram or Twitter and just start generating content. There's barely any friction to start.

The Problem

You tell yourself:

  • "It's too late"
  • "I don't have good ideas"
  • "I don't know what content to make"
  • "There's too many creators out there"

They are all limiting beliefs, they are all false.

To quote Naval:

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9:44 AM • Nov 29, 2020

There's 8 billion people in the world.

That's 8 billion businesses.

Now, I want to make clear, yes a lot of people are getting into the creator space and it might seem like there is competition, but like I said at the beginning of this email getting paid to think is what makes you unique.

If you can perfect the art of thinking and idea creation then the rest of your content will stand out.

We're living in an age of Ai (Artificial Ignorance), generating content can be done at the click of a button and this is not going to slow down, more and more Ai content is flooding the internet and saturating us all.

But it's all shit, the more people rely on Ai to do the thinking or the work for them, the more shallow, boring and dull content will become.

This is where you shine (name). Because you have a unique perspective on the world, you have unique experiences in life and therefore you have authentic lessons to teach.

Authenticity is the key thing that's missing in a world saturated by Ai content.

Being yourself is in higher demand than ever, which is amazing since we've been suppressing ourselves over the centuries to maintain social status.

Think about it, if more and more content is being generated by computers, the only content that will stand out, is the one that's authentic and carries emotion (at the end of the day that's what humans crave).

The Solution

Okay so this is all very cool and holistic, but how do you come up with unique ideas and turn them into content?

I developed a framework called the Idea Metabolism which can help you synthesise ideas, make them unique to you and purpose them into content. There's 3 parts:


You need a place to capture ideas, this could be a journal, a note taking app, any place that's easily accessible for you to write down thoughts and ideas that come to mind. Take ideas from other creators, mentors, artists or those that inspire you.

Example, from the Naval quote above: "The internet enables 8 billion monopolies"


This is the thinking part - take the idea and start thinking about. Set a 15min timer and let your mind think deeply about the idea. Alternatively, write about it (because writing is thinking).

What other thoughts come to mind? What does it remind you of? Be as abstract or illogical as possible. It doesn't matter what thoughts come out, write them down, you're building a practice of philosophising and you'll get more clarity over time. Can you create your own steps to implement the idea? (exactly what I'm doing now with this email).


Now that you've processed and thought about the idea.

Final thing, ask yourself "How can I re-write this idea from my own perspective?" You could make the Naval quote your own by saying "Every person on the planet can be a business".

Now give your own take and elaborate how (exactly what I'm doing now with this email, with the idea metabolism).

Get to work

That's the framework, now your job is to repeat this process for more ideas you resonate with, choose a few topics you like: Psychology, Spirituality, Yoga, Business and submerge yourself in books, podcasts, YT videos, articles. Learn and metabolise ideas.

Share your content on social media in the form of Tweets, Emails, Short and Long form video and over time you will attract an audience who resonate with your messaging, because it's: Authentic.

Invest in yourself now, it only takes 1 hour a day to get started, within a year you'll have enough trajectory to start monetising your ideas.

Most people I work with get stuck with direction, they don't know what kind of content to create and who they want to be online. This is my speciality, I know how to extract golden ideas and pinpoint the interests you love and want to create content about.

If this is you, reply to this email with "habanero" and I'll send you more information.

This is what Iva (@IvaInspires) had to say about working with me:

If you want to be my next raving testimonial, let's talk, you won't regret it :)

Thanks friends


Jono's Journal

Upgrade your mind every Saturday with insights on self-discovery, business, and growth. Designed to help you navigate life and become the best version of yourself.

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